There are so many options offered over the summer! How do I decide what programs to choose?

I like to think of our summer programs as a puzzle and you get to pick and choose all the pieces you want your child to have over the summer. First time families tend to reach out to me for a campus tour and I can sit down and figure out what might be the best fit for each of their children. We offer one of the most flexible summer programs which our families really appreciate, but I know it can be overwhelming the first time you see all of your options. Don’t hesitate to call or email me!

Do you offer transportation to your campus?

Unfortunately, we do not offer bus service over the summer.

Will I have to send my child with lunch each day?

We provide hot lunch every Friday with either the In’N’Out Truck, Hot Dog BBQ, Red Onion, L&L Hawaiian BBQ or Papa John’s Pizza. You can check out the lunch schedule for 2024 on our Theme’s calendar.  You will need to pack a lunch or order Kelly’s Korner Monday through Thursday. Click here to download the Kelly’s Korner Menu. You can call them by 10am to have them deliver your child’s lunch at their assigned lunch time.

Does Country Day Camp offer a Special Needs program?

We have children with special needs join us every summer with their aides. If you would like to discuss your child’s needs in more details with me so that we can make sure our camp is a good fit for them please contact me.

What paperwork is required to enroll in the summer programs? Are there additional requirements for International Students?

Every child who attends our summer programs will need to have submitted 3 online forms prior to June 7th.  The 3 forms,  “Medical Form, Parts 1-3”, can be found in the parent dashboard under “Forms”.  All students enrolled in our Academic Summer School classes will need to upload a copy of their up to date immunization records in the parent dashboard as well.  International students, or any child who doesn’t attend a California school, will need to upload their recent TB test results (must not be older than 3 months when they start the summer program).  The TB test can be done anywhere in the world with your child’s physician or at a travel clinic.  There are 3 ways to test for TB:  skin test, blood test or a chest x-ray.  If your child was given a BCG vaccine at birth then sometimes the skin test will come back with a false positive and that is why some doctors recommend a blood test or chest x-ray instead of skin test.  We need to have TB test results on file for your child that show your child tests negative for TB in order for them to attend out summer programs.  Children who attend school in California have already met this requirement so we don’t need a TB test on file for them.

Is there a uniform over the summer?

We don’t use uniforms in the summer. Comfortable clothes and closed-toed sneakers are required daily. Sandals or flip-flops are only permitted in the pool area. Each camper will get one complimentary Camp T-Shirt. Additional shirts may be purchased for $10 by contacting the camp office or adding it at the time of registration.

Is there a sibling discount?

Unfortunately, we do not offer a sibling discount. We are happy to work out a payment plan for families so that you don’t have to pay in full by June 7th and can make payments throughout the summer instead.

How do I know where to go the first day?

The first day all of our Campers will go to our back field to get signed in with their coaches. The Camp Group Lists are posted right as you enter the back gate of campus and we have staff available to answer questions or help you find your counselor. All of our summer school students will meet on the front patio next to the Front Office to see their posted classroom assignments. Please refer to our Traffic Map.

How does the parking lot work?

Our Traffic Map will show you exactly how the parking lot works. We have Lifeguards staffing the parking lot in both the morning and afternoon to make sure everything runs smoothly. If you have questions you can always talk to them!

Is there a payment plan option for camp programs?

Normally you pay a 25% non-refundable deposit when you first sign up and then the remaining balance is due Friday, June 7th. Those are the only options available when you register, but if you need to work out a payment plan you can always reach out to our summer camp director and she can create a payment plan for you on the backend.


What should my camper bring to camp every day?

Every Full Day camper should come to camp with a bathing suits and a towel. We provide the sunscreen, but if you child needs a special sunscreen you can label it with their name and give it to the coach or have them carry it in their backpacks.

How do I pick what specialty classes my kids do at camp?

All of our campers get to go to ALL of our specialty classes twice each week.  You don’t have to pick and choose because they are all included!

Can my child just do half day camp?

Unfortunately, we do not allow half day camp all by itself.  All of our half day campers are enrolled in some academic or science program the other half of the day.

What is the difference between half day and full day camp?

Full Day Camp is from 8:15-3pm and includes all of our specialty classes: arts & crafts, cooking, dance, sports and imagination & creation classes. All Full Day campers have free swim.

Half Day Camp is for students enrolled in academic or science classes so depending on when their classes are they might have morning OR afternoon half day camp.  Students enrolled in half day afternoon camp have a designated half day counselor who will pick them up directly from their classrooms at 11:30am and take them to all of our specialty classes each week. Half day morning campers don’t have a designated half day counselor so they will join a full day camp group in the morning and that counselor will drop them off at their afternoon classroom at 12:30pm.  These campers will miss whatever activities their group does after 12:30pm. All Half Day campers will be able to enjoy free swim.

My children are different ages but can they be in the same camp group?

We group our campers by age & sex so your children would not be grouped together if they are different ages.  There have been occasions that we make an exception to this rule, but you will need to discuss this with the summer camp director first. We typically don’t recommend this as the campers make friends quickly with kids their own age.

How big are the camp groups and how many coaches are with the group?

We typically say 10 campers with each coach.  Our youngest camp groups always have 2 coaches for the extra hands on help that is needed so the ratio is usually smaller in these groups.  When our groups grow on certain days we always have trained Junior Counselors who can give extra hands on help as well.


My child doesn’t know how to swim yet! Can they still join your camp?

Absolutely!  Many kids learn to swim at Country Day camp!  There is no better place to learn because they have the opportunity to swim and have friends around to give them extra motivation to practice and make progress. We offer our Swim Camp in the afternoon or private swim lessons for more one-on-one instruction.

Help! I am so nervous about having my kid swim at your pool! I’ve never let them swim without me being there. How much supervision is there while they are swimming?

During swim time we have 5-6 lifeguards on duty and counselors are also swimming with their campers. On top of having an excellent ratio for campers in the pool we also take some additional precautions to ensure their safety at all times.  We use lane lines to separate 4 different depths of the pool to help children understand where their safe areas are to swim.  There is a large area in the shallow end where all of our non-swimmers can safely play and bob around.  It is a great pool for kids to build their confidence and also remain safe with excessive supervision.  In addition to our lifeguards on duty, the counselors are swimming with their campers because they know their campers, know their swimming abilities and can help keep an extra close eye on their campers who aren’t 100% water safe yet.

Is the pool heated?

Yes our pool is heated year round!  We have an outdoor pool, but with our wonderful California sunshine it is always a pleasure to swim in.

My son/daughter is concerned about changing for the pool.

We have classrooms that we transform into change rooms over the summer so that campers can leave their backpacks somewhere safe.  Most groups will go to the change room to change into and out of their swim suits and put on sunscreen before and after the pool.  Most kids are fine with changing in the change rooms and sometime friends will hold old towels for one another, but if you child doesn’t want to use the change room we do have a few changing stalls on the pool deck that they can use instead.

My child has eczema and the pool usually irritates their skin. What can be done to help?

Our coaches are always willing to help in any way they can.  The best thing we’ve found is having the child rinse off, using the shower on the pool deck, and applying their normal moisturizer as quickly as possible after swimming.  If you have any special requests like this you can communicate directly with their coach or talk with the summer camp director.


Does my child need to be present for all weeks of summer school? Is there a discount if my child misses a certain number of days?

We try and be as flexible as possible over the summer, but summer school we recommend that they miss no more than a week out of a 4-week program.  Although we don’t prorate or discount the price for missed days of Summer School, we will allow you to make up a maximum of 5 missed days with free half day camp.  You will need to let the camp director know so that she can credit your account and let the teacher know as well.

How big are the classes?

Our summer school classes are capped at 14 students to give individualized attention to each student and what they need to be working on.


Can my child come for Experium only?

Yes, absolutely!  If you don’t want to add half day camp you can always bring them for the 2.5-hour class and then pick them up right after.

Do I have to walk my camper to class?

For all morning and afternoon K-1 and 2-3 classes, an adult is REQUIRED to check in their child with a staff member using an iPad. After the camper is signed in, they are free to play on the playground until class begins. Playground supervision begins at 8:30.

Is there a dress code?

YES. All campers are required to wear close-toed shoes (no flip flops) and their lab coat and goggles to every class. If your child is also attending summer camp and will be swimming they are encouraged to wear sandals or crocs to the pool or during water play.

If we are signed up for multiple weeks, do we get a new lab coat and goggle with each class?

Please take proper care of the lab coat and goggles we provide. Students MUST bring it with them to every class.

Should I pack a snack for my child?

Yes. Campers will have a short break where they can eat a snack and play on the playground. Popsicles will be provided for afternoon campers.

What happens if my camper is signed up for both Experium and RHCDS camp?

No need to worry! Whether they are enrolled in the morning or afternoon class, camp counselors will pick up or drop off your camper to the designated Experium classroom. Camp counselors will also have lunch with your camper between the morning and afternoon session.

Who teaches the classes?

All Experium classes are led by experienced STEM educators. Additionally, each teacher is supported by a college intern and at least one high school volunteer.

How large are the classes?

Each class is capped at 18 students

Are there any classes with dissections?

Yes. The 4-5 marine biology class has multiple dissections that the campers participate in. 4-5 biology also includes a frog dissection.


How early can I drop off my camper in the mornings?

We provide early morning care starting at 7:30am.  When you enter campus you will go to room 21 to sign in your child with a staff member using an iPad.  If you come after 8am you will not be charged at all for morning care, but every child entering campus should be checked in with a staff member using an iPad.

Do you offer extended care after the morning class?

NO. There is no supervision for campers after the morning class. Class ends at 11:30AM and it is important that they are picked on time. We will offer a 5-minute grace period before we head to the front office and call the parents.

If I drop off my camper on the playground in the morning, how do they make their way to class?

At 9:00AM, we will make an announcement on the microphone for all Experium students. They will line up on the basketball court with their teacher and make their way to the classroom together.


Do you offer extended care after the afternoon class?

YES. All campers not picked up by 3:10 will automatically move to extended care and will be charged starting after 3:45PM. After 3:45PM there is a charge of $11.00 per hour or any portion of the hour.


Where will my camper be between classes?

After the morning class, a Country Day Camp Staff will pick up the camper from their Experium classroom and have lunch with them and their group. Counselors will then take the camper to his/her next Experium class. Lunch is only provided on Friday’s, please make sure your camper has packed a proper lunch.


How does aftercare work?

We have all of the details about morning and afternoon care here. It is done on a drop-in basis so you don’t need to sign up or let us know in advance.  If your child isn’t picked up by 3:05pm from Popsicle Party under the tent then the coach will automatically sign them into aftercare.  Because our parking lot can be so busy we encourage parents to come a little bit later and that is why we give a grace period for pick up until 4pm.  If you have nowhere you are rushing to after camp feel free to come pick up any time before 4pm!  If you come after 4pm you will be billed at the end of summer $13/hour or any portion of the hour.


I pre-registered and have created my account, but I don’t see any enrollment options! How do I know what I can register for?

Unfortunately, the enrollment options won’t be available online until 10am on Monday, April 8th when we open registration.  Luckily since you pre-registered you won’t have to fill out all of your family and camper info that morning and you can go straight to enrolling them in classes!

How do I login to register and what if I can’t find my password?

You are going to login to the Parent Dashboard if you’ve already created your account.  If you can’t find your password just click “what is my password?” on the login page and it will reset your password for you.  If you didn’t attend in the summer of 2019 then you will need to click the box that says “New Family Enrollment” to create your account for the first time.

My child had enrollment options showing a minute ago and now they disappeared?

Please look to make sure you only have 1 program tag selected at a time.  If you have 2 tags selected at the same time it will tell you there are no enrollment options available under those tags.  The tags are there to help you work program by program instead of seeing every enrollment option at once.

I am so overwhelmed with all of my choices and am afraid I am going to sign up for the wrong thing!

I am a visual person so I created this Online Registration Worksheet  to help families make their summer decisions before enrolling online. You can see every option available with dates and pricing to help you make your selections in advance.  If you fill out this worksheet you can use it as an easy reference tool while you are enrolling your child in their summer programs.  If you enroll your child and need to make a change please email Melissa ASAP so she can make adjustments to your enrollment.

Melissa Sandoval

Melissa Sandoval

Director of Summer Programs
310-377-4848 ext. 7051

Please reach out with any questions!